Learning and Development

You may notice a theme with the last few blogs - welcoming recognised experts to join us as Associates.
This week starts with welcoming another such expert, Rebecca Wood.
Rebecca is a Learning and Development specialist having delivered award winning programmes within Financial Services and the Automotive industry.
Rebecca has a client list that includes Royal Bank of Scotland, Mercedes-Benz (cars, trucks and vans), Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, Scania GB, Specsavers, Christian Salvesen, M&S, Hiscox Insurance, Suzuki GB, Hill Construction, David Lewis Care Homes, Midland Heart, Fujitsu, South African Airways, First Mutual, Walls/Unilever, Nampak Plastics, The Royal Air Force and Orange (to name just a few).
In common with our philosophy of developing people and organisations at Mentrau Bach, Rebecca describes her personal view "Seeing people flourish with new skills is fulfilling, but of course the return on investment for my clients stays central to all my work."
To read more of Rebecca#s biography have a look here